By George Turrell, University of Sciences and Technology of Lille, France

Chemistry and physics share a common mathematical foundation. From elementary calculus to vector analysis and group theory, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics aims to provide a comprehensive reference for students and researchers pursuing these scientific fields. The book is based on the authors many classroom experience. Designed as a reference text, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics will prove beneficial for students at all university levels in chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and theoretical biology. Although this book is not computer-based, many references to current applications are included, providing the background to what goes on "behind the screen" in computer experiments.

Undergraduate and graduate students in chemistry, chemical physics, materials science, and physics. Researchers in chemistry/physics and theoretical biologists.

1.  Variables and Functions
2.  Limits, Derivatives, and Series
3.  Integration
4.  Vector Analysis
5.  Ordinary Differential Equations
6.  Partial Differential Equations
7.  Operators and Matrices
8.  Group Theory
9.  Molecular Mechanics
10. Probability and Statistics
11. Integral Transforms
12. Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics
13. Numerical Analysis
App. 1.  The Greek Alphabet
App. 2.  Dimensions and Units
App. 3.  Atomic Orbitals
App. 4.  Radial Wavefunctions and Hydrogenlike Species
App. 5.  The Laplacian Operator in Spherical Coordinates
App. 6.  The Divergence Theorem
App. 7.  Determination of the Molecular Symmetry Group
App. 8.  Character Tables for Some of the More Common Point Groups
App. 9.  Matrix Elements for the Harmonic Oscillators
App. 10. Further Reading
Author Index

Subject Index